Robert Pattinson: “Goodbye American Women”

July 6, 2009

I don’t think it matters which celebrity gossip site I attach, they all are saying same the same thing: Pattinson’s over American women. At least the aggressive few hundred swarming him each day in New York City.

Apparently, Robert’s fans are not content to just scream shrilly in his face, no now, according to the gossip sites, they are now practically tackling him on sight. He has been forced to walk with an entire crew of burly body guards, who have at least on one occasion, freaked themselves and allowed Pattinson to be clipped by a Big Apple taxi cab.

Now Robert must walk along with either sunglasses on or eyes averted and he’s been warned, please, no waving at the hoards of salivating women or they may become spiked into a full-on stampede. Then what? Headlines will scoff at his near miss being run over by a cab and focus on his remains lying on the pavement with heel marks, articles of clothing scattered around complete with lipstick smears. It would be horrible.

It’s hilarious yet sad how folks can become a complete mob under strange and mystifying circumstances; this situation for one. I mean, yes the man’s gorgeous, he’s talented and plays an emotional, sexy and sparkly vampire in the “Twilight” series but really, for fans to act and react as they’re being portrayed in New York, it is astounding. I’m saying this, my fellow American Women, back off, calm down, take something for God’s sake to squelch the hormones and let Robert Pattinson live. After all I’ve not been able to try my hand at tackling him yet…

“American Women” The Guess Who

An oldie but a goodie brought to us by bleckdackel

Oh for something regarding Taylor Hicks, Click This Link. Cheers.

Robert Pattinson, Chased by Harpies, Smacked by Cab

June 19, 2009

Robert Pattinson was literally chased into traffic on a New York City street. Hysterical and likely shrieking fans pounded the pavement in a stampede after spotting Rpattz. featured the story yesterday, that Pattinson, while exiting a bookstore and surrounded by burly bodyguards, was nearly injured by a taxi cab.

RPattz, in his haste to escape the screaming hoard bearing down upon him, a hoard that may have been comparable to the fabled Harpies in Greek mythology, Pattinson apparently smacked into a Big Apple taxi. Perhaps he was reading too much into his hype from “Twilight”, you know his skin was purportedly hard as diamonds and much more sparkly, feeling invincible, or likely just incredibly panicked, he collided with the cab. He was fortunate this collision wasn’t worse as anyone who has ever been to The Big Apple can attest to the mad driving skills of the city’s taxi drivers…

Apparently after Pattinson’s run-in with the cab, the bodyguards snapped to their senses, or perhaps embarrassed by their fear of the hoard, one of them shouted out, “You see what you did, you almost killed him!”.

Pattinson being the trooper that he his, carried on and continued filming more scenes for his upcoming movie, “Remember Me”, later that day. The taxi cab carried on – just another day in the life of almost mowing people down. The screaming hoard of Harpies fans? Who knows, my ADD kicked in and I lost interest after reading about Will Farrell gobbling reindeer eyeballs and sipping his own urine. Really.

“The Hangover” Just because it reminds me of an adventure I had once…

“Crazy Train” Ozzy (He never ate eyeballs nor drank his pee, that I know of, but there was that bat incident.)

Robert Pattinson’s New Name?

June 8, 2009

This photo begs to have the ‘Rpattz’ monniker changed to ‘Rpantz’. Seriously when have you ever seen a man who can pull this off… or is it On?

A vest paired with a sleeveless t-shirt, sweat pants and well, underpantz. Now that’s a Monday morning image that certainly cheers the mood. I could look at that all day. In fact I’ve printed it out on glossy and it will hang above this computer desk. Forever. ha.

And, not to leave out mention, his hair is a perfect work of art. I had company last night, (found she may have gotten into a bit of mischief on my laptop while I was cooking…) we had the place to ourselves. DD was at a friend’s house to spend the night and DMan was at band practice. We watched ….”Twilight”. Jazz had never seen it yet and well, life’s not complete in the Pop Culture world until you’ve seen it at least once. Needless to say she enjoyed it very much and took my DVD home to watch it again.

This video is chock full of giggily /fangurl Squee moments. Song, The Cure’s “Pictures of You”. Click the Link:

Robert Pattinson – Pictures of You
by foof76

Here’s the real, live rendition of “Pictures of You” The Cure

The Angels are Singing Cowboy Songs

May 14, 2009

Have I just died? I just read that a new film is being created with both Hugh Jackman and Robert Pattinson. Together. With horses and chaps. Leather chaps. I am weak for cowboys to begin with, the boots, that leather smell mingled with the manly scent. I’m getting light headed thinking about it. says, “That means hats, chaps, tight jeans, attractively scruffy hair, and pretty much the best thing to happen to the Old West in decades.

This will all be happening thanks to Madeline Stowe, the actress who wrote the screenplay Unbound Captives back in the mid-90s, and turned down a $5 million offer from Fox because she wouldn’t be allowed to star. A decade later, Variety reports that Stowe still won’t be starring, and Rachel Weisz will take the role instead. But Stowe will make her directorial debut with the film.”

Now to find out where this is filming. I can see it now, hiring on as the stable girl would work, I could wash the horses, tend to tack, feed and hell, I’d even muck the stalls. I have experience with that; *changing resume’. Too, I could rework my definition of “Heaven”.

Heaven: [hev-uhn] Helping either Hugh Jackman or Robert Pattinson with mounting. Straightening their chaps, dusting them off between shoots. Especially the dusting off part. (You know Westerns are always dusty.)

Jackman is an excellent horseman already but Pattinson might require lessons. I could certainly be of help in presenting any educational instruction Pattinson might need…of course, that too for free.

Momma Just Wants to Chase Cowboys (renamed it)

I’ll take DD, tell her it’s Summer Camp. DMan, well, he will just have to understand.


Robert Pattinson: You’ll Do

May 5, 2009

Article on the site covered Robert Pattinson and his ‘cheap date’ history. Seems nothing better than a weekend in Cornwall (what?) naturally with complimentary train tickets. Well, true, ‘free’ is a good thing.

I loved Pattinson’s entire thought process in this short piece – especially his admission he loved girls who “pick fights with me” – it’s about time someone realize the benefits of a little healthy ‘discussion’, that underlying sexual tension. Makes a terrific appetizer to the main course if played correctly. He’s brilliant, he’s funny, he’s gorgeous.

Robert is also beautifully upfront in his approach to ladies he may have some attraction towards; favorite chat-up line, “Hi. You’ll do.”

No need to play games, say it like it is; where are men like that for the most part anyway? Direct approach, with humor of course, save misunderstandings about what exactly you’re thinking about the person and where your thoughts lie in correlation to your attraction to them. Win, win for everyone. Life’s short, grab those bulls by the ‘horns’. Have fun.

Love him./fangurl

Then there’s this sort of approach: Hot too.
Foy Vance “Do You Want to Be With Me?”

Robert Pattinson Made Me Cry

May 4, 2009

Transworld News had the damning news; “New Moon” star Robert Pattinson recently turned down an offer to pose for his own calendar. What in the Hell is he thinking? Reason HotRpattz has given, “It’s not what I became an actor for.”

Big whoop, irrelevant. When is he going to get with the program? You know, my program. That’s just not selling out Mr. Pattinson!

Time will tell, we’ll see what’s up by the time he hits 30, all artists sell out eventually. Until then I have this and my imagination.

Robert Pattinson Taking a New Lady?

April 28, 2009

Sadly it’s not me. In this photo of Pattinson he’s supposedly hanging out at a Canadian pub and he certainly looks to have been enjoying a few adult beverages. I do love loaded hot men. Pattinson has agreed to take the lead role in “Remember Me,” which is yet another star-crossed lovers type of story without the undead, vampiric theme.

At least he won’t be wanting to kill his next leading lady, whomever she might be.
His love interest has yet to be named but Allen Coulter, a six-time Emmy nominee (no wins) is in negotiations for the director spot. Perhaps with Pattinson as the lead he hopes to finally seal that nomination for a win.

Original script was penned by Will Fetters, currently undergoing a rewrite from “Rachel Getting Married” writer, Jenny Lumet. While he has a large fanbase due to his role in “Twilight,” Pattinson hasn’t moved on to other projects like “Twilight” co-star Kristen Stewart – she’s up to play Joan Jett in the bio-movie, “The Runaways”. Pattinson’s had to contend with more than unruly hair, his scheduling conflicts have stymied his venturing outside the vampire franchise. “Memoirs”/”Remember Me” is also a Summit picture which should allow for him to work his schedule around filming his other projects.

Until this film is made, Pattinson will have to rely on two independent films he shot prior to his “Twilight” breakthrough to allow fans to see other alternative sides of Pattinson’s acting abilities. “How to Be” is currently making the film festival circuits and May 8 the release date for his anticipated Salvador Dalí biopic “Little Ashes”.

Robert Pattinson: I Can Haz Cheezburger:

“Love Songs That Kill Me” Cinema Bizarre

(love their hair)

You Have to be Crazy to Want Celebrity

April 7, 2009

The same old story, different name of the obsession. It doesn’t matter really who it is in the world of celebrity, apparently it’s a part of the human brain anatomy to create a surreal environment. Following a few different fan groups along the lines of a scientific experiment has provided me an inside view of the beast the celebrity must deal with; one thing that maintains similarity – media and fan reaction.

Media supplies the fuel that feeds the fans’ reactions with stories or rumors following each other from one viral gossip site to another like a round robin game of Chinese Whispers. Each translation carrying more fantasy and an increasing sense of fact no matter if true or not. Meanwhile the celebrity of focus is left trying to scrabble some semblance of truth from the mess the media rats posing as journalists have created for them.

Likely this facet of almost immediate notoriety something guys like Taylor Hicks and Robert Pattinson had to fast track, both hit celebrity with a speed akin to a flash of light. Taylor Hicks became a household name and a pivotal force within a matter of weeks on the FOX reality show, American Idol. Rob Pattinson, hit the track after securing the role of tragic hero, lovestruck vampire, Edward Cullen, in the Stephanie Meyers’ book to movie series.

One of Taylor Hicks biggest challenges in the media has to do with the very thing he’s set himself as a career path – his singing. The gossip hags within the on-line vortex found early on if they wield insults and criticisms about the guy’s singing, their articles get hit hard. On one hand, the more something is said the more readers think it carries truth, the other hand, after a while those who continue to carry the story feel elevated, hip and in the know. Besides it is always more interesting and enjoyable to make fun of others lest you are the target or the butt of the joke. Problem here, this sort of thing creates it’s own demons that can be a real buzz-kill for an artist’s career path.

Fans too are targeted. By insulting the fans following the celebrity, intention to make that celeb look less desirable. The nuttier the fans portrayed, the more unattractive they may seem to be in pictures creates a more insulting and demeaning environment for the person they are following. Word catches on, readers read or look at photos of the folks media castigating and are given pause to think how they might not want to be a part of that crowd.

Most of the time media mongrels place fans following a celebrity in either the teen-age hormonally driven mindless bracket or the bored house wife category. I don’t care if the celeb is Joe Jonas, Taylor Hicks or Rob Pattinson or a Michael Buble’, the fans are thrown together in one of the two groups, or both.

In the case of Taylor Hicks, the ‘in’ thing concerning his fans: cast him as adored by plump females largely hanging in the menopausal crowd. You know, like perhaps an elderly Auntie who thinks a wild night out is dinner at Luby’s and Bingo. Can’t tell you how often I’ve read about the “Grannies” knitting him sweaters and scarves. Like anyone under fifty can’t knit. Okay, I can’t knit. Regardless of truth or untruth or really who cares how old someone is to enjoy music. This slant merely provides the media more fuel to attempt to sound witty, make snide comments and get internet attention. That is one thing important in the internet world since so many writing positions are not financially very viable and the attention can work for them on several levels.

Heckler writer, Stuart Heritage, one of the baddest boys when it comes to dissing celebs, he’s also one of my favorite celeb bashers, notably one of the funniest to read. “Taylor Hicks Unexplainably Labelled ‘Hot’” an article written by Heritage the year Hicks’ won Idol. Heritage draws the reader into the piece with, “Where did all the hot guys go? You know the ones we mean; the slightly overweight, prematurely grey hot guys that can’t manage to get through a rudimentary sentence without whooping like a Tourettes sufferer walking barefoot over Lego. Right girls?”.

In this piece, Heritage said, “Taylor Hicks In Producer Lawsuit Frenzy” says, “It’s hard enough winning a televised talent show like American Idol when you have the outward appearance of a fully functioning cognitive human being – so imagine how tough it must be for Taylor Hicks”. I mean damn, people, that’s funny. Thing is outside the humor those seeds of doubt hit the reader, sprouting ideas such as ‘hell, he’s just not cool, he is spazzy’ he’s an idiot.

Guys like Heritage are now running amuck with a viral campaign going on against Robert Pattinson that really stinks. Google alert after alert reads the same material as the entertainment sloughers vie for the funniest take on the idea that perhaps handsome Rob isn’t fond of bathing. I traced the first of this rumor to a male writer; in fact overall it is the male entertainment writers deriving the most glee in casting Pattinson in a bad light, or in this case, in a bad smell. I say don’t hate him because he’s beautiful.

“Twilight” is currently shooting in Vancover, and this article in the Vancover Sun discusses Canadian singer Adaline’s chance recent encounter with Pattinson at a club. Adaline said, following her brief moment spent with Pattinson, “In the end it was lovely to meet the man who so well depicted the character so many people love. I can tell you two things: 1) Even though Robert is not Edward, he has the same intense stare in real life. It took me off guard. 2) He smells lovely. The stinky thing is a bunch of tabloid garbage.”

Put that in your bong pipe Heritage, et al, and smoke it.

Another viral story that is in high repeat mode, Miley Cyrus’ comment about Pattinson not being liked for himself – rather the fans mistaking him for his movie character, Edward. (Not really that unlikely.) Naturally Heritage gives it a go to put fresh spin on it and liven up Cyrus’ statements in “OMG! Miley Cyrus Totally Doesn’t Love Robert Pattinson! Etc!”. Stuart shares with the readers, “Everyone knows that Robert Pattinson has two main target markets – hysterical teenage girls and lonley (sic) old women.

So Miley Cyrus should be perfect for him. Miley’s got a little bit of both Robert Pattinson fans in her – the enthusiasm and breathless cadence of a teenage girl, plus the speaking voice and dead-eyed world-weary cynicism of very, very old lady.” Hilarious, true but yet spookily accurate descriptor of Miley considering in public appearances evidence of a typical girl of her age sorely lacking.

One thing I have read extensively since I became a part of the Taylor Hicks’ fan base, the fans upset about how he’s portrayed, that he’s selected out of the world of celebs and singularly castigated and insulted. One thing I can confirm, that is not the case, the kind of abuse Taylor’s hit with is very similar to what many in the bright glare of celebrity experience. So take heart Soul Patrollers, (or just plain ol’ fans of Taylor Hicks), at least he’s not being accused of smelling like a ‘sweaty tramp’s dirty rectum like Pattinson.

(That poor kid’s transfixed.)

More Than Just Another Pretty Vampire

April 6, 2009

A few months ago the name Robert Pattinson would have meant little to me. I’d heard the buzz circulating the movie, “Twilight”, that he’d been in the last “Harry Potter” movie as Cedric Diggory. One connection I’d never had made, the guy in the context of being a musician. News circulating the internet report what I thought after my first listen to the guy’s music: the guy is incredibly talented.

I saw the movie, “Twilight” just a month or so ago. My tweenie daughter wanted to see the film, she’s also been reading the Stephanie Meyers books. I hadn’t been paying a lot of attention, figuring it’s just another High School Musical/Hannah Montana tweenie type thing only with a vampire theme. I was completely wrong and pleasantly surprised. Director, Catherine Hardiwicke incorporates such a cool visual tone to the film footage. The color tone seem to be shot through a bluing filter, that and the musical score carry the undercurrent vibe of love and yearning intermixed with a dose of menace inherent in this supernatural Romeo and Juliet flick.

After seeing the movie I was compelled to read the books – I’m near completion of the last one in print, Breaking Dawn. I also purchased the “Twilight” DVD for my ten year old, of course, re-watched it, leading to my curiosity about some of the actors in the movie. Naturally, most intriguing, the lead actor, Robert Pattinson. Certainly he’s more than beautiful to look at, his character in the film likely the envy role of any young male in the industry. Pattinson created such a solid performance in this movie he’s turned the opportunity into a break-out, star-making turn. I’m amazed watching some of the videos on Youtube of interviews and appearances that have women and girls screaming and screaming like videos of 1966 and he’s one of The Beatles.

Hilarious scanning through youtube, the number of videos created simply celebrating Robert’s hair. (Video within that link has over 83,000 hits!) His fans have dubbed him “R.pattz” and “Spunk Ransom”. The nickname, R.pattz, carries that edgy tone that the kidz like these days.

Touching on Taylor Hicks for a moment, if Hicks decided to jazz it up would he be called T.hickz? Wait, that looks too much like the guy’s ‘thick’ you know, lacking in the “attic” or wide around the middle both of which he’s not – so scratch that.

It’s an interesting phenomena how fate can sometimes step in and transform your life. It takes just one thing, one moment, one decision and your life can become altered forever. Finding that one thing and recognizing what it can mean and do for you as well as act on it is a totally different matter. Separates the men from the boys so to speak. Pattinson and the cast in this film, as creatively handled by Hardiwicke, landed in the middle of one of those moments, hit on one of those ‘one things’ and may find their lives all changed forever.

Researching Pattinson, he modeled, had a role in the Harry Potter movies as Cedric Diggory and also made a few Indie type flicks, both rumored to perhaps never making it to the Big Screen without Pattinson’s success in “Twilight”. One movie is scheduled for release at the end of this month, “How To Be”. It’s a story along the lines that would have appealed to a young Johnny Depp, and in fact I’ve read in several places Pattinson being called the ‘next Depp’. This movie is one of those art-house flavored pieces with the lead an angsty, troubled struggling musician distraught after the break-up of a meaningful relationship. That combined with his dysfunctional family send him into a deep retrospection of his life and direction.

Another film that walks in the direction that Depp would have likely approved, a film called, “Little Ashes”. Filmed in 2008, it is set to be released May 8. It’s completely something Depp would have perhaps done in his early twenties, faux twisted mustachio and all; it’s a story of Salvador Dali and his rumored sexual relationship with Spanish poet, Frederico Garcia Lorca.

My favorite discovery from “Twilight” and of Robert Pattinson; his music which was incorporated into the movie by Catherine Hardiwicke. According to Pattinson he did not realize that his songs would be in the film, Hardiwicke surprised him with their inclusions and the music fits insanely appropriately into the feel of the movie. In her incorporation of Robert’s music, I’m wondering if she had a prescient moment of what might be in store for Pattinson after the release, or if she simply wanted his voice heard in a way outside the film. In an article I located on, the writer reviews the soundtrack to this movie saying, “the only song on the soundtrack of note is Robert Pattinson’s, “Never Think””. His song, “I’ll Be Your Lover” would have fit into the melancholy “Twilight” vibe very easily as well as would some of his other tunes I’ve heard.

What I absolutely love about Pattinson’s vocals, his natural emotive styling. Certainly he could not be accused of having technically one of the best voices out there, no glory notes out of this guy. Instead Pattinson carries a soulful, sexually charged growl that verges on Tom Waits add Foy Vance, mix in a bit of Ben Harper that I find completely compelling. I haven’t come across a new musical interest able to devour my mind like Pattinson has in such a long time, and that’s with only a small number of tunes available on-line.

Interesting news, the “Twilight” soundtrack was giving Kelly Clarkson with her number one standing new album as well as U2’s new album, “No Line on the Horizon” a run on the Neilson Soundscan charts. “Twilight”, at one point had shot up to number 3 with 74,000 in sales, Kelly Clarkson’s All I Ever Wanted, showed 90,000, U2’s No Line on the Horizon at 76,000. Now those numbers could of course, be in part owing to the tens of thousands of avid “Twilight” tweenies who love the movie, but music critics are also giving Pattinson credit for his artfully performed songs.

From a profile article:
Pattinson’s Film Roles

Robert has starred in several movies made for television including The Bad Mothers Handbook, Ring of the Nibleungs and The Haunted Airman. The role of Edward Cullen in “Twilight” was Pattinson’s first lead movie role, however “Little Ashes”, which is to be released in 2009 see him playing a young Salvador Dali. The film focuses on the relationship between Pattinson’s character and poet Federico Garcia Lorca played by Javier Beltran. Pattinson was also awarded the Best Actor 2008 award at the Strasbourg Film Festival for his role as Art in the new film, How to Be. Pattinson will reprise his role as Edward Cullen in the saga’s third installment Eclipse.

Pattinson’s Musical Background

Taking on the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight also gave Robert Pattinson the chance to include some of his own music compositions on the soundtrack. Robert plays both the piano and guitar and also composes his own music. Pattinson is quoted as saying, “Music is my back-up plan if acting fails.”

“Never Think” Rob Pattinson

“I’ll Be Your Lover” Robert Pattinson

You can order Robert’s music from the film, “How to Be” from this site, Dreamboat Records. You can also visit Pattinson’s

Just Kill Me Now: Robert Pattinson

March 31, 2009

My youngest hauled me to see “Twilight” a few months back. Curious about the actor, Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward Cullen (he’s so damn pretty; my new shiny thing), I’ve googled him and guess what? He’s a musician, a real damn musician. Plays piano, guitar and writes music and – he sings.

Here’s one of his tunes, “I Was Broken” (Included in the movie.)

“Stray Dog”

lyrics, “You’re lonely
Joker no, joker no more
Who would reach their own
When you can call on your mind
Crying to hope that tears sometime, they’re
Wasted wasted, all before
Forget what you came here for
And you need to see the signs
And you need to stop wasting time
Start to save that stolen
story that you heard before.
And I waited for you, but you’re long gone
Stray dog
You’re only a stray,
Joker no, joker no more
Yeah, stray dog”

“To Roam” Robert Pattinson

lyrics include,
“Ghost and the rain
[Cold], the freedom
And I’m walkin the hallway
Yeah I’m walkin the hallway
I’m walking the hallway
Said I’m walking the hallway, and I’m walking the hallway

I am grown, I am [grown]
Think of the day where I’m sure to come
When I’m seen, I’m smiling [of ages]
When I know where I’m going to run
When I know where I will go
I will be gone somewhere else
You could see, you could see it through my mind”

“Kiss My Ass” Pattinson interview

Love. this. guy.