Governor Palin Forgives David Letterman: Freedom of Speech, the Key

Yesterday I wrote a post about the situation between Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and late night talk show host, David Letterman. They were at an impasse over the joke Dave made regarding Alex Rodriguez and one of Palin’s daughters. I mulled over my thoughts regarding whether it constitutes an issue of free speech or crossed the line because one of the daughters, the one that attended the baseball game inferred in the joke, was underage.

Well it seems everyone is kissing and making up now, news source Newsmax left this article in my email inbox this morning. Palin’s statement, “on behalf of all young women, like my daughters, who hope men who `joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve.” Something we’d love to see happen with all men I suppose, that march toward evolution.

In this case, though, unlike with my example of the Jamie Foxx vs Miley Cyrus, Letterman comes out on his show announcing publicly to his audience and television viewers his regrets for this unfortunate situation. That, to me, speaks that although Dave may have committed somewhat of a faux paux with dropping that joke, this man is not one who needs be beaten into an evolved state. Letterman’s apology shows integrity, bravery and self-deprecating humor found in persons of an intelligent and evolved mind. According to Newsmax he took responsibility for anyone misconstruing which daughter the joke was directed toward. He said, “I’m sorry about it, and I’ll try to do better in the future”. Letterman added, “”The joke, really, in and of itself, can’t be defended”.

Any man who comes forth after doing a wrong, perceived or otherwise, and actually apologizes is to be commended. Many would rather put their head in the sand and just hope the situation goes away rather than risk some ill-conceived version of pride or embarrassment, or heaven forbid, admit they might have behaved badly.

Palin’s statement issued late yesterday brought up the subject of Freedom of Speech. She said Letterman has the right to joke about whatever he wants to, and “…thankfully we have the right to express our reaction.”

Invoking her Patriotic leanings and giving further sway to the thought process that indeed, this lady has plans to eventually campaign for President she issued this statement:

“This is all thanks to our U.S. military men and women putting their lives on the line for us to secure American’s right to free speech,” she said. “In this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect.”

Freedom of Speech was the issue that caught my focus when I wrote my post yesterday morning. Freedom of Speech entered the equation through Mrs. Palin yesterday afternoon. Freedom of Speech apparently what has sealed this riff between Governor Palin and Mr. Letterman. I guess the other Constitutional amendment, The Right to Bear Arms won’t have to be invoked in this case.

4 Responses to Governor Palin Forgives David Letterman: Freedom of Speech, the Key

  1. jerseyirish says:

    Spin, Read about the apology in the paper. I commend him for stepping forward with an appology, I agree it took alot for him to do that. I beleive he realized somethings just aren’t entertainment when a child is involved, and will certainly think before making off color comments towards a minor.

    Glad Palin has accepted the appology and both are moving forward.


  2. spinshack says:

    I’m wondering if he fired the writer who put that joke up. Yeah, it’s nice seeing a man act a man. It’s nice to see someone owning errors with humor, honesty. Not that I’m a raging fan of Letterman’s, not at all but I do like how he’s handled the aftermath of his error.

  3. celebrityblondebabe says:

    Hey…how’s it going?

    My thoughts? Well…I don’t like Letterman…he kinda bores me. The issue about the joke? I think that he has become so…vain? or maybe overly confident? that he doesn’t take the time to actually READ and research his jokes. Unfortunately, he isn’t witty enough to write his own. However, he has a responsibility to make sure that what he says is accurate. I still disagree that IF he thought he was talking about the 18 year old daughter…it was still not appropriate.

    What’s happened…is that he is so political…he can’t seem to seperate his personal views from his “so called” comedy. IMO…his jokes should be
    balanced. Johnny Carson was great. He would make fun of one side…the turn around and make fun of the other. It is obvious that he is hung up on Palin. Talking about ANY of the politicians children is not acceptable. Off limits. Dirty pool. Bet Obama would not like to hear a joke about his daughters. They will be getting older…kids do grow up so fast. How about his own child? He’s a celebrity…and a public figure…how about his own?

    Sorry…got carried away…as usual. I just don’t feel that he was genuine…his next show he made fun of his apology and the protestors. Which, kinda blew his genuiness.

  4. spinshack says:

    I’m not a huge Letterman fan either, but this was an interesting little cultural moment wasn’t it? Good to see you CBB!

    Carson remains The Standard regarding late night hosts it seems. Letterman has seemed to have a bent toward focusing on Palin, he’s definitely a Left wing kinda guy.

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